{"id":9699,"date":"2023-10-28T07:30:22","date_gmt":"2023-10-28T06:30:22","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/?p=9699"},"modified":"2023-10-28T07:30:22","modified_gmt":"2023-10-28T06:30:22","slug":"how-did-john-die-in-the-bible","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/how-did-john-die-in-the-bible\/","title":{"rendered":"How Did John Die In The Bible"},"content":{"rendered":"

John, the beloved apostle of Jesus, is well known as one of the most important figures of Christianity, but what many don’t know is how he died. In this article, we will explore the different theories about how John passed away and look at the Biblical evidence that supports those theories. <\/p>\n

John was present with Jesus throughout most of his ministry and was one of the few disciples who was at the cross in the final hours. After Jesus’ death, he continued preaching and writing, travelling across the ancient world to help further the spread of Christianity. <\/p>\n

One of the primary theories about John’s death is that he was poisoned. Proponents of this theory point to the gospel of John, in which it is written that John drank a cup of poison at the Last Supper. Some scholars argue that this reference is symbolic, while others say that it was a real instance of poisoning. <\/p>\n

The second theory is that John was boiled alive. This is based on a mention in the apocryphal Christian text, the Acts of John. In this text, it is written that John was thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil by his Roman persecutors. Again, this is a disputed theory, and some scholars point to the extreme nature of it as evidence that the story may not be factual. <\/p>\n