{"id":9602,"date":"2024-02-24T07:52:03","date_gmt":"2024-02-24T06:52:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/?p=9602"},"modified":"2024-02-24T07:52:03","modified_gmt":"2024-02-24T06:52:03","slug":"how-long-does-the-bible-say-we-will-live","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/how-long-does-the-bible-say-we-will-live\/","title":{"rendered":"How Long Does The Bible Say We Will Live"},"content":{"rendered":"


The Bible doesn’t provide an exact answer to the question of how long we will live, but it does provide some guidance on this subject. It’s important to remember that the Bible was written in an ancient context, on the basis of life expectancies that are considerably shorter than those of modern times. With this in mind, it’s interesting to explore the Biblical ideas of life span and mortality. <\/p>\n

What Life Span Is Given in the Bible?<\/h2>\n

The Bible describes the longest life span as being 970 years, as mentioned in Psalm 90:10. This is generally considered to represent the lifetime of the person being described, which by contrast makes the life expectancy at birth much lower. However, there are many examples of people in the Bible living to the age of 100 and even beyond in some cases. So, while the natural life expectancy of a person is much lower than 970 years, reaching the age of 100 is regarded as a remarkable accomplishment.
\nIn addition, the Bible speaks of the possibility of living a much longer life if one follows God’s will. For example, it is said in Genesis 6: 3 that “My Spirit shall not abide in man for ever, for he is flesh; yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years.” This verse indicates that it is possible to live a much longer life if we live according to God’s will. <\/p>\n

What Is the Biblical View on Death?<\/h2>\n

The Bible views death as an inevitability, but one that should be accepted with dignity. Ecclesiastes 8:8 states that “there is no man that hath power over the spirit to retain the spirit; neither hath he power in the day of death.” This suggests that no man has the power to prolong life, and that death is something that should be accepted with humility.
\nAt the same time, it is also important to remember that death is not the end, but rather the beginning of a new phase of life for those who believe in the Christian faith. In other words, the Bible promises that death is not the ultimate end of life, but rather a portal to an eternal life in heaven. This is a point of great comfort to believers, as death is no longer seen as an abrupt end, but rather as a natural transition to a much better place. <\/p>\n

What Is the Significance of Life Span in the Bible?<\/h2>\n

The Bible speaks of life span in terms of God’s sovereignty and benevolence. Specifically, the length of one’s life is seen as a direct reflection of one’s adherence to God’s law and command. In other words, the Bible stresses the importance of living a righteous life, as it is seen as a direct link to attaining a longer life.
\nFurthermore, the Bible sees life span as an opportunity to demonstrate faith and commitment to God. By living a life of obedience, believers can experience the blessing of a longer life. Not only does this serve as an indicator of faithfulness and a sign of God’s favor, but it is also seen as a time for believers to provide a witness to God’s power and grace. <\/p>\n

Does the Bible Give Guidance on How to Live a Long Life?<\/h2>\n