{"id":3752,"date":"2023-04-05T13:10:38","date_gmt":"2023-04-05T12:10:38","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/?p=3752"},"modified":"2023-04-05T13:10:38","modified_gmt":"2023-04-05T12:10:38","slug":"what-does-be-still-mean-in-the-bible","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/what-does-be-still-mean-in-the-bible\/","title":{"rendered":"What does be still mean in the bible?"},"content":{"rendered":"

In the Bible, the phrase “Be still” is used in a number of different contexts, all of which carry the same basic meaning: to cease from activity, to calm oneself, and to wait patiently. This can be seen as both a physical and a spiritual instruction, as it applies to both our bodies and our souls. When we are still, we are able to hear God’s voice more clearly, and we can receive His peace and guidance.<\/p>\n

The phrase “be still” appears in the Bible in Psalm 46:10. In this verse, the writer is asking God to help them find peace and to stop the chaos that is going on around them. This is a popular verse that many people turn to when they are feeling overwhelmed or stressed out.<\/p>\n

What does still mean biblically? <\/h2>\n

The Hebrew word for “still” that’s used in Psalm 46:10 is Raphah (רָפָה) and it means to “sink down, relax, let go, cease striving, or withdraw”. Remember the context of this verse, it’s a time of conflict of war. This isn’t a call to be quiet, it’s a command to stop fighting.<\/p>\n

The phrase “be still” is derived from a Hebrew term which can be translated to mean “relax,” “let go,” or “stop.” It suggests an act of surrender – a release of striving and hostility. Prior verses in the Bible suggest that trying to fight against God is a losing proposition (Psalm 46:8-9).<\/p>\n

What does be still and know mean in the Bible <\/h3>\n