{"id":3410,"date":"2023-04-01T21:00:47","date_gmt":"2023-04-01T20:00:47","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/?p=3410"},"modified":"2023-04-01T21:00:47","modified_gmt":"2023-04-01T20:00:47","slug":"what-does-the-bible-say-about-israel-and-war","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/what-does-the-bible-say-about-israel-and-war\/","title":{"rendered":"What does the bible say about israel and war?"},"content":{"rendered":"

The Bible has a lot to say about Israel and war. In the Old Testament, God often spoke to the Israelites through prophets about their need to fight for their land. In the New Testament, Jesus speaks about the time when Rome will come and destroy the Temple, which is a clear reference to the Jewish-Roman War. So, it is clear that the Bible does not shy away from discussing war and its implications for God’s people.<\/p>\n

The Bible has a lot to say about Israel and war. In the Old Testament, God instructs the Israelites to go to war against their enemies in order to protect themselves and their land. In the New Testament, Jesus tells us to love our enemies and to pray for those who persecute us.<\/p>\n

Why did God allow Israel to go to war? <\/h2>\n

God chooses Israel to be his kingdom of priests and the holy nation. In doing so, he allows them the capacity for war to defend themselves and exist in that region. This is one reason why God could command war. The second reason is to reveal his character and nature on a national and international stage.<\/p>\n

The Israelites are commanded by God to destroy the Amalekites completely. This includes all members of the Amalekite nation, from the youngest to the oldest. The Amalekites are to be completely destroyed, including their livestock and possessions. There is to be no mercy shown to them.<\/p>\n

What does the Bible mention about Israel <\/h3>\n