{"id":13137,"date":"2024-01-02T10:48:02","date_gmt":"2024-01-02T09:48:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/?p=13137"},"modified":"2024-01-02T10:48:02","modified_gmt":"2024-01-02T09:48:02","slug":"what-does-the-bible-say-about-jesus-return","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/what-does-the-bible-say-about-jesus-return\/","title":{"rendered":"What Does The Bible Say About Jesus Return"},"content":{"rendered":"

The return of Jesus is a major topic in the Bible since it is expected in the last days. In fact, the Scriptures affirm that it will be the definitive event that will inaugurate the new heavens and the new earth. This will be the climax of the story of salvation in which God will put things right and deliver his promises to his people. The Bible presents some very clear and consistent indications about the return of Jesus.<\/p>\n

The primary source for understanding what the Bible says about Jesus return is the New Testament. Jesus himself spoke on multiple occasions about his own second coming. In the passages in the four Gospels where he discusses his coming, Jesus presents himself as a coming king and judge. According to the Gospels, Jesus states clearly that his coming will be sudden and unexpected, will be accompanied by cosmic signs, and will bring about final judgment. Additionally, in the New Testament, the apostle Paul wrote extensively about the coming of Christ. While reaffirming many of the key details, the apostle Paul gives a more personal emphasis to the return of Jesus and stresses the fact that believers must be prepared for his arrival.<\/p>\n

Beyond the passages describing the return of Jesus, the New Testament also affirms that Jesus already possesses divine authority and that there is no higher power. This is highly relevant in terms of Jesus’ return because it implies that Jesus is capable of exercising his power autonomously and without interference. The New Testament also emphasizes that Jesus will return as a conquering king who will establish his kingdom for eternity. In addition to providing doctrinal insight, the New Testament also provides guidance for living a life that is consistent with Jesus’ coming. In particular, Jesus and the apostles encourage their followers to live in a state of constant readiness and anticipation of his return.<\/p>\n

Christian theologians have different views on the return of Jesus. Some view the return of Jesus as a literal, physical event. This perspective holds that Jesus will physically come to earth, in a visible form, to inaugurate the new heavens and the new earth. This view is supported by biblical passages, such as Acts 1:10-11. Others view the return of Jesus in spiritual or metaphorical terms. These interpretations usually emphasize the idea that Jesus will come to powerfully show himself in the lives of those who serve him, and to bring justice and mercy to all who appeal to him. This view is consistent with Jesus’ teachings in the Gospels and Paul’s teachings in the epistles.<\/p>\n