{"id":12985,"date":"2024-02-26T11:12:01","date_gmt":"2024-02-26T10:12:01","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/?p=12985"},"modified":"2024-02-26T11:12:01","modified_gmt":"2024-02-26T10:12:01","slug":"what-is-frankincense-in-the-bible","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/what-is-frankincense-in-the-bible\/","title":{"rendered":"What Is Frankincense In The Bible"},"content":{"rendered":"
\nFrankincense, a natural sap from various species of Boswellia trees, is considered a gift of the gods in many religious texts, including the Bible. Believed to have appeared in Egypt during the fourth century BC, Frankincense has been used in the worship of gods and goddesses to honor the divine and convey one’s wishes and prayers.Its spiritual fragrance is highly valued and remains a staple in ceremonial Rituals to this day. Throughout the Bible, Frankincense is mentioned more than 30 times and is often used in connection with burning incense, prayer, and sacrifice.\n

What Is Frankincense?<\/h2>\n

Frankincense is a natural gum resin made from the sap of various species of Boswellia tree. The word originates from the Latin “francus incensum”, meaning “true incense”, or “incense of the highest quality”. Frankincense has a sweet aroma and is commonly used in religious ceremonies and rituals, as it is said to help connect believers to the divine. It is often burned to produce a fragrant smoke which is said to promote relaxation, balance stressful emotions, and purify negative energies.<\/p>\n

The Bible and Frankincense<\/h2>\n

The Bible mentions frankincense more than 30 times. Throughout the Old and New Testaments, frankincense is tied to a variety of religious activities, such as prayer and sacrifice. In the story of the three wise men, frankincense is the first of three gifts given to the infant Jesus. In Exodus 30:34 and Leviticus 2:1-16, frankincense is listed alongside other ingredients used for holy anointing oil and sweet incense. In the book of Numbers, God instructs Moses and Aaron to include frankincense as an ingredient in their tabernacle incense.<\/p>\n

Uses of Frankincense In The Bible<\/h2>\n

In the Bible, frankincense is used to symbolize holiness and purity. It is offered as an offering to God, to be burned in the temple as incense and to be used in the anointing of priests and kings. In Psalm 141:2 and Revelation 18:13, frankincense is tied to prayer and worship, with Psalm 141:2 stating “May my prayer be counted as incense before you”.
\nApart from its ritualistic uses, frankincense also has medicinal purposes. It is stated in Exodus 30:34 that God has commanded that frankincense be part of a holy anointing oil recipe. This indicates that the combination of frankincense and other ingredients was used as a healing balm for physical and spiritual ailments.<\/p>\n

Symbolism of Frankincense<\/h2>\n

In ancient times, frankincense was considered to be one of the most valuable and sought-after items, due to its spiritual significance and healing properties. It is said to represent hope, purification, and strength; thus, its burning is associated with prayer and consecration. In many religions, including Christianity, its sweet scent and smell serve as reminders of divine love and protection.<\/p>\n

Ritualistic Uses Of Frankincense<\/h2>\n