{"id":12563,"date":"2023-10-31T23:34:03","date_gmt":"2023-10-31T22:34:03","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/?p=12563"},"modified":"2023-10-31T23:34:03","modified_gmt":"2023-10-31T22:34:03","slug":"what-does-the-bible-say-about-earrings","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/what-does-the-bible-say-about-earrings\/","title":{"rendered":"What Does The Bible Say About Earrings"},"content":{"rendered":"

Overview of Earrings and The Bible<\/h2>\n

Earrings are often seen as an adornment as well as a fashion statement. They are worn in a variety of ways, from simple studs to dangling hoops, gems and drops. But what does the Bible have to say about wearing earrings? While the Bible does not provide a single verse that specifically mentions earrings, there are several references that can be used to draw conclusions regarding the issue. <\/p>\n

In the Old Testament books of Exodus, Numbers and Deuteronomy it is reported that the Israelites were forbidden to make any cuts in their flesh as a sign of mourning. While this was not a ban on earrings itself, it did suggest that people should not mutilate their bodies for any reason. It was believed that piercing the body would open it up to various demonic influences. <\/p>\n

In the New Testament, James 1:27 admonishes us to “respectfully care for widows and orphans in their distress,” which some theologians interpret as a directive against outward displays of wealth such as large, expensive earrings. <\/p>\n

What Does This Mean For Christians? <\/h2>\n

These verses indicate that Christians should display moderation and humility in their choice of clothing and adornment, including earrings. It is important to show respect for those who are less privileged and to not flaunt one’s wealth. <\/p>\n