{"id":11212,"date":"2024-01-21T08:32:02","date_gmt":"2024-01-21T07:32:02","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/?p=11212"},"modified":"2024-01-21T08:32:02","modified_gmt":"2024-01-21T07:32:02","slug":"what-does-the-bible-say-about-interracial-marriage","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.theholyscript.com\/what-does-the-bible-say-about-interracial-marriage\/","title":{"rendered":"What Does The Bible Say About Interracial Marriage"},"content":{"rendered":"

Background Information<\/h2>\n

Interracial marriage is defined as a marriage between people who come from different races and ethnic backgrounds.This type of marriage has been practiced for centuries in many cultures,religious traditions and societies throughout the world.The Bible,an ancient book of stories,advice,rules and judgments,is full of references to interracial marriage.The Bible’s stance on interracial marriage involves Scripture passages that range from clear warnings to more open-ended reflections.<\/p>\n

The Bible Implies That Interracial Marriage Is No Big Deal<\/h2>\n

The Bible does not explicitly state that interracial marriage is wrong or immoral. In fact, in the book of Ruth, a book in the Old Testament, Ruth, a Moabite woman, is welcomed into the family of the Israelites and marries Boaz. Boaz’s acceptance of Ruth’s marriage offer shows that interracial couples were not condemned by the Bible. Furthermore, in the New Testament, in the book of Acts, we read how the Holy Spirit was given to a group of people from different nations, including some from Ethiopia. This passage implies that God is loving and accepting of all races and ethnicities.<\/p>\n

The Bible Warns Against Intermarriage<\/h2>\n

In the Old Testament, the book of Nehemiah warns that intermarriage between Israelites and non-Israelites will result in the non-Israelite partner turning away from their godly traditions. The bible also warns against intermarriage between Jews and Samaritans in places like Matt. 10:5. Furthermore, the Old Testament book of Ezra also condemns intermarriage between Israelites and non-Israelites. <\/p>\n

God Instructs On Handling Interracial Marriage<\/h2>\n

While there are warnings about interracial marriage in the Bible, God also provides guidance on how to handle it. In the book of Numbers, God tells the Israelites that foreign women are to be treated respectfully and taken into their homes. Furthermore, in Deuteronomy, Moses instructs that those in interracial marriages must be circumcised into the faith of the Israelites.<\/p>\n

God’s Nature Toward Interracial Marriage<\/h2>\n